Research and Development

Building a Safe and Secure Future!

Standards Contribution:

These two SBOM related projects are part of our commitment to technology community development.

Ongoing Research & Development Projects:

Pioneering research over the last 9 years is producing industry changing results including but not limited to: 

Academic Research:

Sept 2020 - Feb, 2021 - AI Agent Validation for Smart Beacon Network

The objective of this project is to design a technique to validate an API for AI agents. Validation will be based on (1) analysis of the typical capabilities of AI agents, and (2) testing the adequacy of the API for a representative set of AI agents. At a minimum, the representative agents will include ones for monitoring, diagnosing, and predicting the behaviors of devices in the Internet of Things, using the Smart Talk Beacon API. Managing an IoT network is a task that can quickly become difficult as the size of the network increases. The proposed API should provide the tools for AI agents to acquire all the relevant information from the network. To validate this API, both proactive and reactive AI agents will be created.

Sept 2020 - April 2022 - Perform end-to-end vulnerability analysis of Smart Beacon

The objective of the proposed research project is to perform end-to-end vulnerability analysis of Smart Talk Beacon’s IoT security architecture. The end-to-end vulnerability analysis will be performed by developing a realistic model of the IoT security architecture and then identifying how the system would respond to certain cyber-attacks. The architecture includes 1) the interactions between devices in a mesh network, 2) devices and gateway, 3) gateway and servers, and 4) inter-server  interactions. Smart Talk Beacon’s architecture is based on a no-trust security framework where devices rely on authentication and encryption to securely communicate with each other.

 No-trust security framework in such systems is challenging and can pose certain vulnerabilities because of the heterogenous nature of the end-to-end architecture. The vulnerability analysis will be performed by classifying Smart Talk Beacon’s IoT architecture into three levels, namely, perception, transportation, and application levels. This classification will help in understanding the impact of specific cyber-attacks (such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks) on the ecosystem. The first step would be to develop a theoretical model to understand the architecture of Smart Talk Beacon’s security system. The next step would be to model and simulate the end-to-end system architecture and finally perform performance analysis and benchmarking of the results.

Sept 2021 - Ongoing - Analyze the effects of the Smart Talk Beacon IoT security architecture 

Internet of things (IoT) systems require significant management related to external intrusions, internal threats, device failures, access management, and performance monitoring. In addition to network management issues, quality of service (QoS) must be maintained to predict changes and determine device and network performance. A good IoT system should be able to identify, track, and mitigate problems while dynamically adjusting its operation. 

The main objective of this project is to analyze the effects of the above issues on the performance of the Smart Talk Beacon’s IoT security architecture. The architecture includes; 1) the interactions between devices in a mesh network, 2) devices and gateway, 3) gateway and servers, and 4) inter-server interactions. 

Smart Talk Beacon’s architecture is based on a no-trust security framework where devices rely on authentication and encryption to securely communicate with each other. No-trust security framework in such systems is challenging and can pose vulnerabilities because of the heterogeneous nature of the end-to-end architecture. The Beacon architecture provides a framework for security and information management and device interaction. In this project, analysis tools for the Smart Talk Beacon system will be developed for data access, function management, and QoS analysis. Then, the QoS metrics will be identified, and the best approaches for interacting with network management components will be established. Finally, a QoS algorithm will be developed to achieve interactive analysis used for different types of implementations.

Publications and Presentations:


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