No Trust Security

No Trust means test, validate, connect & verify! Repeat!

No Trust (NTS) security protects user infrastructure (network and devices) from bad behavior. NTS is not a process or set of principles. No trust is a simple distributed, high security solution.

No Trust means not trusting anyone or anything until proof of relationship, validation of connection and verification of identification is assured.

NTS is a distributed solution with real time redundancy and failover. NTS devices have knowledge, information and control related to all aspects of operation.

NTS asserts policy control over each network connections (ER) based on detailed threats and risks assessments. No Trust extends Cyber and Zero-Trust security configurations into network protocols merging network, system and data control as defined in DCB and access based access control (ABAC).

Hack Our NTS Site Please!

This No Trust Security implementation has been operational for 3 years. With 3k plus sustained hacking attempts per year, no one has been successfully. Give it a try, perhaps you will be the first. (Note: This version of NTS was designed for securing IoT devices on an IP network. IP limiting security and operations factor for systems.)

Below are details related to the device types, network and IPs. Notes for consideration:

Test the above by:

Your IP will be blocked immediately. You will no longer be able to connect to any of the sites on the Beacon Network.

View Cameras in real-time:

To help you validate that your connecting to the Beacon environment in real-time, you can click of the following camera links to see live images. If you have clicked on the test blocking link, you will not have access to the cameras.

Camera 1 Cameras 2

Constant Internal Monitoring by Beacon

All connection activity between devices is monitored and logged in the audit server. The graph below displays real time connection data between 2 devices. The displayed connection time is the time required to connect two a devices. Sent data and the receiver responses to the sent data from the device is recorded as a round trip. The round trip is the total time of the request and response. This approach is an accurate measure of network, hardware and application response.

IP Addresses of Unauthorized Access Attempts (UAA) Table

An unauthorized access attempting (UAA) is a potential intrusion attempt. NTS identifies an unauthorized connection attempt or a UAA when a connection is attempted without a signed global unique identifier (GUID). All connections require a KNOWN GUID. 

Below is a a real time list (see below graph) of UAA made against a Beacon network. 

Smart Talk Beacon designed and implemented No Trust Security as a novel s olutions to secure devices and network infrastructures. Bacon was subjected to evaluation by the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Regina in 2020. A report was produced in May of 2021 stating that, 

"Overall, it was found that the Beacon system is secure, scalable, and quick to recover in the case of an attack." from Beacon Security Evaluation and Simulation report produced by University of Regina

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